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Tej Kohli

Online GrafixSoftechCEO of Grafix Softech Tej Kohli

CEO of Grafix Softech Tej Kohli

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  Grafix Softech calls business to action on Internet mobility

Grafix Softech is currently advising internet marketers to invest in a new technique called internet mobility. Grafix has dedicated an entirely new division to catering for clients who are interested in this technique. Mobile internet consulting will help online marketers make the transition to wireless markets, which are expected to yield better profits.

Mobile internet consulting will combine Grafix's expertise in online business consulting with new and innovative technologies, making online marketing more effective and efficient.

Tej Kohli, the CEO of Grafix Softech, says that mobile internet consulting is capable of providing instant end-to-end solutions for online businesses. These services might include business impact analysis, solution concept design, and strategic planning, depending on the client�s requirements. To make the services effective, Grafix is more than willing to offer customized versions of each of their packages.

Competition has become so tough that it places latecomers at great risk should the new technique prove effective. Mr. Kohli suggests that businesses can keep ahead of their competitors by integrating internet mobility. Using this new strategy, Grafix is already helping clients reach out to new customers and find new markets for their services and goods. .

"Many businesses are understandably somewhat confused by the speed of development in the area of Internet mobility," Mr Tej Kohli said. "But the time for businesses to act is now. And Grafix's global leadership in use of cutting edge technologies is available to turn action into profit," he said.

"The lessons of the wired Internet must be remembered ì latecomers can quickly find themselves at a serious disadvantage to competitors," he said.

About Grafix Softech

Grafix Softech is an internet marketing consultancy specializing in the provision of internet marketing solutions. Grafix is headquartered in Costa Rica, although it has recently opened branches in other countries, such as Gurgaon, India. Grafix Softech was launched in 1997 and has been providing quality solutions, including software development, to clients in South America and the world over.

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